Gone Home: Race and Roots through Appalachia
March 30, 2023
University of Kentucky

“Oh the Places You’ll Go!: Where a Risk Management Degree Can Take You”
April 5, 2023
Temple University

The Origins of the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade
January 23, 2023
University of California, Santa Barbara

What Public Sociology Can Do: Putting your Research into Action
November 10, 2022
Texas Tech

The Racial Wealth Gap as a Public Health Crisis
October 31, 2022

The Sociology of W.E.B. DuBois
by Karida Brown and Jose Itzigsohn
May 23, 2021
Racialized Modernity and the Global Color Line
The Sociology of W. E. B. Du Bois
May 20, 2020
Du Boisian Scholar Network
June 1, 2019
Archiving in Black
Karida Brown "Archiving in Black: Lessons from EKAAMP"
April 2, 2019
Emerging Immigration Scholars Conference
A Conversation on Refugee Flows and Human Rights
February 2019
The Sociology of W.E.B. DuBois by Karida Brown and Jose Itzigsohn, May 23, 2021
Los Angeles Dodgers: Black Action Network, “Ubuntu Speaker Series”
Appalachian Studies Association Conference (Lexington, KY) | Plenary Forum: “The Surprise of Appalachia” (March) canceled due to Covid-19
The Sociology of W. E. B. Du Bois: Racialized Modernity and the Global Color Line, May 20, 2020
Emerging Immigration Scholars Conference: A Conversation on Refugee Flows and Human Rights, February 2019
Karida Brown "Archiving in Black: Lessons from EKAAMP", April 2, 2019
Du Boisian Scholar Network, June 1, 2019
The Sociology of W.E.B. Du Bois: Racialized Modernity and the Global Color Line
Yale University (March, 2019)
Brown University (April, 2020) canceled due to Covid-19
Ersta Sköndal Bräcke University College (April, 2020) canceled due to Covid-19
Binghamton University (October, 2020)
British Sociological Association (November, 2020)
University of Sweden (April 2021)
University of Chicago (May 2021)
The Souls of Sociology: Articulating a Du Boisian Sociology, June 29, 2017
Gone Home: Race and Roots through Appalachia
UC Berkeley (October, 2017)
Duke University (April, 2018)
UCLA Author Meets Critics: Cecilia Menjivar, UCLA and Chris Muller, UC Berkeley (October, 2018)
Southern Festival of Books (October, 2018)
Columbia University (October, 2018)
Princeton University (October, 2018)
University of Wisconsin, Madison (October 2018)
University of Mississippi, Oxford (March 2019)
Sewanee: The University of the South (March 2019)
University of Cincinnati (March 2019)
UC Berkeley, Africana Studies (April 2019)
Washington University, St. Louis (April 2019)
University of Stockholm, Sweden (March 2020) canceled due to Covid-19